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Thursday, March 29, 2012

I FINALLY created a successful drawing of Jessica!

I was lucky enough to spend this last weekend in New York City, where I sketched the above image. I am also so happy to announce that I am now a certified IntenSati Leader! This is a really exciting new development in my life, and I can't wait to see where the combination of art, illustration, community and health will take me.

While in NYC I stayed with Julie, a super sassy woman who welcomed me into her home. As a thank you I painted this portrait of her puppy, who is now my best friend. 

That being said, don't hesitate to contact me if you are interested in having a portrait done of your dog. Well, cats and whatever too, but especially dogs since they are the best. :>

And lastly, this is probably one of my favorite exaggerated sketches I have ever done. Maybe you have seen him around.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Girl Hair

Remember that preview from a few weeks ago? Well my dames and gents, here is the finished product and I am proud to announce that it has been selected for the 2012 Best of Ringling Exhibition.

"Little Girl Hair" is dedicated to all the fabulous 4 and 5 year old fashionistas that I get to spend my Wednesday mornings with. They are more savvy and stylish than I am. 

And of course, FLORAL FOREVER.

Ok last thing, I am now on Pinterest! If you are interested, you can see my boards at http://pinterest.com/alliedoe/

Now go and make it a glorious day :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


A recently completed portrait for the memory project [check our more info here].

This boy's name is Hamidullah, I unfortunately don't know much more about him than that, but my piece will be sent to him this summer. I chose to do a portrait of Hamidullah because although he is just a teenager, I find his features quite striking and distinct. 

Graphite and gouache are the materials used to complete this piece, and I am perfectly happy with the way it turned out.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Real life is happening RIGHT NOW. Don't forget!