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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Week 3

Portraits! One of my favorite things in life. Anderson Cooper and Betty White, in all of their mixed media glory.

On a more general note, The Illustration Academy was THE best thing I could have done with my summer. I would recommend it wholeheartedly for anyone who is serious about this whole make a living doing what you love business, and I am planning on returning to Kansas City at one point or another without a doubt. To those of you who were there, I miss you tremendously.


  1. These are wonderful Allie! I recognized Anderson Cooper right as i scrolled down the page. Looks like you had fun at the academy :)

  2. the allied forces will return to KC someday. with vengeance.

  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_heeotR4jHCQ/TUJtZ1kDQpI/AAAAAAAAAZA/TYX9AFuazZM/s1600/Old+lady+turn+around.jpg
    allie idk if i ever showed you this . I too have made a bettie white inspired design. her influence is frightening .

  4. Brian Williams rules all. watch out Cooper.
